15: Stormchaserology - Shred the Gnar by Travis Lincoln Cox

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Welcome to another Stormchaserology episode where we share an entry from our top-secret encyclopedia of improv and creativity - words and phrases we’ve picked up and carried with us on our seven-year journey as an improv team. In this episode, Travis talks about the phrase Shred the Gnar. He talks about challenging yourself so that you continue to grow as an artist; finding flow as you’re carving a path in a fresh improv show; and how, if you shred the gnar, you’ll enjoy improv longer.

Improv! Did you know - we're doing improv shows right now? Every Wednesday night at 6pm Pacific Standard Time on our facebook page backslash stormchaserimprov. Come check it out - we have fun and we love to see people commenting during the show.

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You can find Stormchaser on Instagram @stormchaserimprov or on our website at stormchaserimprov.com.


16: Gametape - Safety Deposit Box


14: Artist's Brain - Jet Eveleth - Improviser, Clown, Teacher